Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
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17) Java by API
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21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
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35) Python Tutorial
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39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
1) .NET
2) Activex OLE
3) ADO Database
4) Algorithm Math
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6) COM
7) Compiler Directives
8) Constants
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21) OOP
22) Printing
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24) String
25) Strings
26) System
27) Types
28) Variables
29) VCL
30) XML
1) Ansichar - a character type guaranteed to be 8 bits in size
2) Ansistring - a data type that holds a string of ansichars
3) Boolean - allows just true and false values
4) Byte - an integer type supporting values 0 to 255
5) Cardinal - the basic unsigned integer type
6) Char - variable type holding a single character
7) Comp - a 64 bit signed integer
8) Currency - a floating point type with 4 decimals used for financial values
9) Double - a floating point type supporting about 15 digits of precision
10) Extended - the floating point type with the highest capacity and precision
11) Int64 - a 64 bit sized integer - the largest in delphi
12) Integer - the basic integer type
13) Longint - an integer whose size is guaranteed to be 32 bits
14) Longword - a 32 bit unsigned integer
15) Pansichar - a pointer to an ansichar value
16) Pansistring - pointer to an ansistring value
17) Pchar - a pointer to an char value
18) Pcurrency - pointer to a currency value
19) Pdatetime - pointer to a tdatetime value
20) Pextended - pointer to a extended floating point value
21) Pint64 - pointer to an int64 value
22) Pointer - defines a general use pointer to any memory based data
23) Pshortstring - a pointer to an shortstring value
24) Pstring - pointer to a string value
25) Pvariant - pointer to a variant value
26) Pwidechar - pointer to a widechar
27) Pwidestring - pointer to a widestring value
28) Real - a floating point type supporting about 15 digits of precision
29) Real48 - the floating point type with the highest capacity and precision
30) Shortint - an integer type supporting values -128 to 127
31) Shortstring - defines a string of up to 255 characters
32) Single - the smallest capacity and precision floating point type
33) Smallint - an integer type supporting values from -32768 to 32767
34) String - a data type that holds a string of characters
35) Tbits - an object that can hold an infinite number of boolean values
36) Tconvtype - defines a measurement type as used by convert
37) Tdatetime - data type holding a date and time value
38) Text - text
39) Textfile - declares a file type for storing lines of text
40) Tfloatformat - formats for use in floating point number display functions
41) Tformatsettings - a record for holding locale values for thread-safe functions
42) Tlist - general purpose container of a list of objects
43) Tobject - the base class type that is ancestor to all other classes
44) Topendialog - displays a file selection dialog
45) Tpoint - holds x and y integer values
46) Tprintdialog - class that creates a printer selection and control dialog
47) Trect - holds rectangle coordinate values
48) Treplaceflags - defines options for the stringreplace routine
49) Tsavedialog - displays a dialog for selecting a save file name
50) Tsearchrec - record used to hold data for findfirst and findnext
51) Tstringlist - holds a variable length list of strings
52) Tsyscharset - characters used by supplied string parsing functions
53) Tthreadfunc - defines the function to be called by beginthread
54) Variant - a variable type that can hold changing data types
55) Widechar - variable type holding a single international character
56) Widestring - a data type that holds a string of widechars
57) Word - an integer type supporting values 0 to 65535